Call for Eiffel Scholarship in France for the Academic Year 2020-21

According to the news published on the official website of Campus France, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced awarding a number of scholarships for master’s and doctoral degrees for students interested in studying in this country. This program, which is the best scholarship in France, is held every year by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to attract top foreign students.

enlightenedThe French Eiffel Scholarship 2021 will be available until January 8, 2021.

enlightenedThis scholarship program includes the following four fields of study:

Basic Sciences

Engineering (Master's Degree), & broader sciences such as Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biosciences, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology, Earth Sciences, Cosmos and Environment, Information and Communication Sciences and Technology (Doctoral Degree).




Political Sciences


Merits of Eiffel Scholarship 2021:

Holders of the Eiffel Scholarship will receive a grant of € 1,181 per month for master’s degrees, plus the costs for services such as airfare and national transport, insurance, housing and cultural activities. The winners will receive a grant of € 1,400 per month for doctoral degrees by 31 December 2020 and a grant of € 1,700 per month from 1 January 2021. It is worth noting that the costs of all services intended for scholarship holders in master's degrees have been added to this amount.

Important dates:

September 28, 2020: files should be uploaded on the site

January 8, 2021: Deadline for submitting documents to the Campus France Paris

March 22, 2021: Announcement of the winners

It is important to point out that no candidate can directly submit his / her scholarship application on the website of Campus France Paris. Accordingly, the candidate must contact the international relations department of the center via email or phone so that he / she can send his file and application. Therefore, all these steps of contacting with the center in France and sending the file to that center and then receiving the file and completing and resending it to the center, are the responsibilities that should be carried out by the student applying for this scholarship.

To get more information, please click here.  


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