IUT International Weekly Webinars on Combinatorial Optimizations

The IUT International Scientific Cooperation Center proudly announces a series of weekly webinars on "Combinatorial Optimization, The Matching Problem: a short journey through Algorithms and Polytopes ", from December 3 -24, 2020.

Confirmed Speakers

Dr. Paolo Ventura, Institute of System Analysis and Informatics, CNR, Italy.

Paolo Ventura is a research scientist at IASI since 2005. His main research interests are combinatorial optimization, linear interger programming, and applications. He is author of many articles published on the most relevant journals of the area.

Dr. Maryam Salami, Former Researcher at institute of System Analysis and Informatics, CNR, Marie Curie 7th Framework, ITN.

Maryam Salami was a research scientist at IASI 2013-2018. She was a member of Initial Training Network, Marie Curie 7th Frame Work, Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization (MINO). Her main research interests are combinatorial optimization, quadratic programming and interior-point methods.











Information of Each Session

Subject Date Slides Film       


December 3,2020 (First Session) First Session
FROM BIPARTITE TO GENERAL GRAPHS: SHRINK AND CONQUER December 15,2020 (Second Session) Second Session
  • Webinar Program Link
  • Registration Fee: There is NO registration fee. 

 Registration Link






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