Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts


The concept for the Swiss universities of applied sciences and arts arose in response to the challenge Switzerland was facing to further boost the economic growth of the country.

The one private and seven public Swiss universities of applied sciences and arts are closely linked to the economy, culture and society. They promote close partnerships with companies, institutions and other organizations in the educational sector. Professors and lecturers come directly from the field, bringing along comprehensive scientific qualifications. The Swiss universities of applied sciences and arts guarantee highly practice-relevant degrees and continuing education with professors who bring in know-how from real-life implementation, and who refer to concrete cases from actual practice rather than theoretical model cases.

The study programmes build upon the pre-existing practical competencies of their students. They offer a scientific reflection and further development by connecting theoretical content with the concrete practical work experience students have already gained.

Combining practice-oriented teaching and application-oriented research, the Swiss universities of applied sciences and arts are a hub of innovation for companies and institutions, and thus primarily for the Swiss economy and society. The roots of this success lie in modern and relevant curricula, producing highly qualified, innovation-oriented graduates.

The Swiss universities of applied sciences and arts prepare students for the Swiss and global labour markets. Current and future needs of the employment market are regularly analyzed. This knowledge, coupled with a high degree of flexibility, allows the universities of applied sciences and arts to continually align their curricula with the needs of the job market, thereby fulfilling the demand from employers for highly skilled and well-connected specialists. Graduates are sought-after specialists with verifiably excellent job and career prospects. Moreover, a large offer of degrees and continuing education programmes allows for flexible, goal-oriented lifelong learning and enables you to individually shape your career development.

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