A meeting with the International Cooperators of IUT Departments was arranged by the International Scientific Cooperation Center (ISCC) of Isfahan University of Technology on January 29, 2022. In this meeting, the ISCC director reviewed some past international activities, and then, thanked the former International Cooperators for their efforts and also welcomed the new ones joining the international cooperators' group. Prof. Mohammad Javad Omidi also announced that the International Students’ Center has recently been moved from the Vice-presidency for Students’ Affairs to ISCC and talked about the regulations and procedures of taking international students.
The International Grants Office was the next subject of Prof. Omidi’s talks. He thanked and appreciated Prof. Dr. Vahid Salari for his valuable efforts as the former head of this office and
welcomed Prof. Dr. Seyed Jalal Zahabi, a faculty member of the ECE Department, as the new head of this office. The meeting also explored different types and regulations of sabbatical leaves for the IUT faculty members.
Compiling statistics of international activities of the IUT faculty, holding scientific webinars, and using national and international support to work with the Iranian scholars abroad were other
topics of the meeting. There was also an exchange of ideas at the end of the meeting and some of the participants asked their questions.