Opportunities for Research Master's & PhD Studies at HKUST

Stablished in 1991, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST) is a world-renowned research university in Hong Kong excelling in Science, Engineering, Business and Management, Humanities and Social Science, as well as Interdisciplinary Studies.  While it is celebrating 30th anniversary this year, HKUST is motivated to move forward to transform education to meet the world's ever-changing needs by establishing a new campus in Guangzhou.  Complementing the well-established disciplinary foundation on the Hong Kong campus, the Guangzhou campus will engage in a cross-disciplinary academic exploration to nurture well-rounded graduates with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking.  It is targeted to open in September 2022.

HKUST is now inviting the applications for admission to Hong Kong campus as well as HKUST Guangzhou Pilot Scheme for entry in September 2022. 

For further information please visit:

PG Prospectus:


Admission to Hong Kong Campus:


Admission to HKUST Guangzhou Pilot Scheme:


More Program Information:

More Information available:




enlightenedenlightenedenlightenedAlso, it is informed that there will be a HKUST Virtual Information Week for Postgraduate Studies from 11 to 19 November 2021. Prospects may explore what HKUST offers through wide-ranging admission events such as information sessions and student sharing.  Please do visit https://pg.ust.hk/pginfoweek for more details. 

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