The second Prudential Corona Virus Comprehensive Center for Higher Education staff and students

Commencement of vaccination of 19 academics in Isfahan University of Technology. With theestablishment of a comprehensive vaccination center for the members of the province's higher education in Isfahan University of Technology,
under the supervision of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, from Friday, August 1, the vaccination of Covid-19 academics of this university began.

Dr. Zahra Momtazpour, Head of the Health and Treatment Center of Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), announced that: "With the efforts of the governance of IUT and with the consent of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, this center is the second comprehensive center for higher education staff and their families and students. The injection will continue in this center until October 2021.

She added that the list of all employees of IUT had been sent to the University of Medical Sciences, and daily SMS invitations will be sent to 600 to 800 people for attending the vaccination center.

She pointed out that the quota of vaccines in this center, according to all vaccination centers in the province, includes three types of vaccines: Sinofarm, Astrazenka, and Barakat. She expressed her hope that with the announcement of the student group, this center will be able to start vaccinating students of Isfahan University of Technology.


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