Call for Joining Jundishapur Research Program, 2020

Call for participation in Jundishapur research program in 2020 has been announced. The program is carried out annually by the Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration together with the French Embassy's Department of Cultural Activities and Collaboration.

Jundishapur's research program began in 2004, and aims to promote and expand scientific research collaboration between researchers from Iran and France.

 enlightenedType of support:

If the proposal is accepted, 600 million rials will be allocated by the Center for International Studies and Scientific Collaboration to Iranian researchers and a budget to French researchers from the French representative. In return, researchers are required to provide a report annually on the progress of the project and the activities carried out associated with the publication of articles in prestigious journals and also to hold at least one scientific meeting, if possible with the presence of the French side and the Center's scientific representative in Iran. The duration of the projects that are accompanied by doctoral or post-doctoral training is a maximum of two years.

 enlightenedResearch priorities:

Jundishapur's program includes joint research projects in all specialized fields, including humanities and social sciences (law, economics and management, etc.), medical sciences, technical and engineering sciences, basic sciences, environmental sciences and biology, which have been approved by the scientific committees of the two countries while taking the research priorities into account. Plans that meet the following conditions are given priority:

• Projects that lead to collaboration of several different Iranian and French laboratories or institutes.

• Projects that contribute to developments, especially socio-economic developments.

• Projects that fall within the priorities of the Center for International Scientific Studies.

  enlightenedParticipation requirements:

  1. The plan must be approved by one of the research institutes or universities of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
  2. Selecting a representative as the project manager for those projects in which several institutions or universities are involved; the affiliation of the performer must be from the universities related to paragraph 1 of the company's terms.
  3. Applicants for Jundishapur program must not have a current contract with other programs of the center, and if they have a joint project, it must be one year from its termination to be eligible for financial support.

The deadline for submitting documents is June 30, 2020.

For further information, please visit the website of the Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration at

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