1st Organization of Islamic Cooperation Robotics Challenge Uzbekistan 27-31 October, 2019

The 1st Organization of Islamic Cooperation Robotics Challenge (ORC) takes place in the UZEXPOCENTRE exhibition center, Tashkent, from 27 to 31 of October, 2019 and is restricted to participants from Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States with ages between 17 and 23 years, in two categories.

  1-  Robo-Sumo (where an autonomous robot should push another robot out of the ring)
  2-  Robo-Football (distance controlled two robots play football on the field)

Each team should consist of no more than three participating members. The organizers will cover the travel expences of 2 members of the teams.
In addition to the participating members, each team can be accompanied by a senior person as Team Manager/Mentor. In such a case the Team Manager would need to support his/her own travel.

Deadline for Registration: 15th September 2019 (15-09-2019)

For more detailed information please visit http://www.comstech.org/oicrobotics.aspx



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