40 Faculty Members at IUT among "2023 World Ranking of Top 2% Scientists"

Based on the latest findings of the joint project between Elsevier and a group of researchers from Stanford University, known as the "Stanford University List," research outputs published in the Scopus database until the end of 2022 have been analyzed in 22 main subject areas and 174 sub-fields. As a result, authors who are among the top two percent highly cited researchers in the world have been identified.

The latest version of this database was published on October 4, 2023.

This database has published two lists of the top 2% highly cited researchers globally since 2019.

The difference between these two lists is the time frame of the analyzed citations; one list covers citations received within one year, while the other list covers citations received from 1996 to 2022.

Forty faculty members at IUT are included on the first list (highly cited researchers in the one-year citation period of 2022), and 28 members are included on the second list (highly cited researchers in the citation period of 2022-1996).

More detailed information is available on the Elsevier website at the following Link:
















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