On January 24th, the Director of IUT International Scientific Cooperation Center paid a visit to CERN. In this visit, Prof. Mosaddegh met with the deputy Spokesperson of the CMS experiment as well as the CMS BRIL project management, a project that IUT is involved in its upgrade to operate at the high-luminosity LHC. In that meeting, the CMS management expressed their satisfaction with the excellent performance of the IUT team while discussing ways to further extend IUT's contribution.
Also, on behalf of the dean of the university, IUT's Director of International Scientific Cooperation Center ensured their full support of activities related to CMS and CERN, part of that being funds for students and young postdocs who pursue their researches in this field. With the winter shutdown of the LHC machine, Prof. Mosaddegh visited the CMS detector underground in a guided tour arranged by the CMS Visit Team. Isfahan University of Technology became a CMS full member in 2019 and has ever since continued a productive collaboration with this experiment.