Call for Wenhui Award 2022 "Educational Innovations for Learning Recovery"

It is informed that the Call for Nominations for Wenhui Award 2022 "Educational Innovations for Learning Recovery" has been launched. The Award will be conferred on two individuals or institutions in UNESCO Member States in the Asia-Pacific region for their outstanding efforts and achievements in educational innovation focused on the specific theme of the current edition. The two winners will each receive a prize of USD20,000. In addition to the Winners, Honourable Mentions will be granted to individuals or institutions that have demonstrated commendable innovative educational practices. Since the inception of the Wenhui Award, there have been 22 Winners and 34 Honourable Mentions from 19 different countries.

Deadline: January, 24, 2023


mail Nomination Form 

mailFrequently Asked Questions about Wenhui Award 

mailConcept Note

mailForm Template

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