Call for the MATSUMAE International Foundation Research fellowship program 2022

Upon the concept of the founder of the Matsumae International Foundation (MIF), “Towards A Greater Understanding of Japan and a Lasting World Peace”, MIF has started the Research Fellowship Program in 1980.

“2022 Research Fellowship Program” has been officially released.
Application Period will be from April 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021 (Japan Standard Time).

Persons eligible for research incentives:
Those who have foreign nationality, have no experience of visiting Japan with a job in their home country, have a doctoral degree, and have excellent qualifications under the age of 49.
Research institutes in Japan:
Laboratories of all universities in Japan, national research institutes, and research institutes of each company.
Research incentives provided:
research stay expenses, traveler insurance, travel expenses (round-trip international flight ticket between the recipient's home country and Tokyo), lump-sum payment to Japan.
3 to 6 months within the period from April to March of each year.

For Registration and sending necessary documents please contact:

For Further information please visit:   

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