Transportation Engineering


Transportation Planning for Senior Citizens During the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic by Examining the Effect of the Pandemic on Travel Mode Choice



Dr. Hosein Haghshenas



Senior Citizens are more vulnerable to diseases than others because of their sensitive immune systems. Traffic restrictions preventing the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak have significantly reduced the mobility of the elderly population. The ability to travel and access facilities positively correlates with the quality of life; thus, it is important to reduce the adverse effects of traffic restrictions on quality of life of the elderly during the pandemic. Also, it is essential to have a resilient transportation system and to provide alternative transportation modes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic on the elderly travel modes and their new transportation needs.

The elderly in the 15 administrative divisions of Isfahan are interviewed to understand changes in their travel patterns, purposes, and modes of travel during the pandemic. In the next steps, mode choice will be modeled and strategies and policies will be proposed in order to provide appropriate transportation services for the elderly during the pandemic.

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