Mechanical Engineering


Portable Smart Power Changing UVc Gun


       Dr. Mehdi Karevan


Sterilizing surfaces contaminated with microorganisms with the use of chemical substances is harmful to equipment or in essence infeasible or is chemically destroying to surfaces. In addition, surfaces and bodies specifically those incapable of being transferred to be treated under UV irradiation boxes is of another underlying challenge in terms of both technical point of view and function. We, in one part of our activities against the Coid-19 virus, focused on a specific design and manufacture of a Re-Chargeable Self-activating and Portable Ultra Violet (U.V.c) Gun with Customized Power used in Local or Scanned Irradiation Exposure of Liquids, Solids Surfaces and Space. The device works on the basis of power changing electrical circuit modules and approximate sensors besides other options such a touch keys and rechargeable power circuits that can provide up to tens of watts UV energy and a considerable number of Jouls per square centimeter enough to destroy micro-organisms based on our calculations and clinical observations. This path of research could be more expanded and assessed under the development of higher efficiency UVc LEDs or far UVc LEDs claimed to offer a better performance and power density of the light emitted during a shorter exposure time to fight bacteria and viruses with the help of physicians and chemists.

It further could call for a joint program to a broader and deeper evaluation of the kind and family of viruses maybe still unknown to mankind with a collaboration with biologists and clinical and virus scientists to upgrade the device in terms of the cells performance when exposed with viral contamination, DNAs or the microorganism membrane behavior and such that. In another aspect, the manufacturing and design of the device through an optimized weight, volume, shape and appearance and functions might be in need of other perspective of science or engineering such as mechanical or industrial design science to elevate the aforementioned requirements in such a way that the final product be at its best commercialized version with minimum drawbacks. With this, we are happy to join any consortiums in related field to brainstorm and collaborate in a synergistic manner specifically in design and manufacturing of new versions of the UV gun built upon improved electrical circuits and the UV source.

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